


オリジナルはこちら -> 3mon.com ドメイン紛争。英文での反論例

反論メールを掲載していたサイトをうっかり更新し忘れで失ってしまったので、Intenet Archive で掘り起こしてきました。


=== ここから再掲部分 ===

3mon.com はあるアメリカの会社から、その会社の会社名と紛らわしいということでドメインの使用を停止して欲しい、という連絡をドメイン登録の代行をお願いした会社経由で受けました。

しかし、この Web サイトはいっさいその会社と関係ありませんし、3mon.com というドメイン名を使ってその会社に対して何か悪さをしようという意図は全くありませんでした。 このため、連絡を受けたときはかなり困惑すると同時に、「このまま訴えられたりするんだろうか」なんてびびってしまいました。何せその会社はアメリカの会社といえども、誰でも一度は名前を耳にしたことがある会社。そんな大企業に一個人が立ち向かってもしょせん無駄だろう、とさっさとドメインを明け渡すのがいいかな、とも思いました。





xxx: 相手側担当者

yyy: ドメイン登録会社

zzz: ホスティングサービスの会社

mmm: ドメインの停止を求めてきた会社

Dear xxx,

I am writing you concerning the domain name "3mon.com" which I registered through yyy.
You should have received the message from yyy replying to the letter you sent them on July 16, 2004
regarding "the Registration and Use of "3mon.com" Ref. No. nnn". yyy notified me that they have not
received any response from you, so I am writing this message by myself to make sure my message is
conveyed to you.

I would like to continue to use "3mon.com".

I have no intention to confuse customers of mmm Company, and I believe I have not actually confused anyone.
The attached is the access log of "Search word" during this one week (zzz allow the users
to access the access log of only the last one week). Some of keywords are Japanese, so please have someone
translate them for you. You will find that no one has reached my web site by searching "mmm" or
any "mmm" product name.

The following one paragraph should be already mentioned in the reply message from yyy, but I will repeat it.

The name "3mon" came from one of the well-known Japanese saying "HAYAOKI WA SANMON (3mon) NO TOKU"
("Early riser gains three coins" or "The early bird catches the worm" in English) "mon" is the old
currency in Japan and "3mon" stands for "a little precious money."

I clearly say that "3mon" comes from that saying in the top page of my web site. If you have someone
who understands Japanese, please ask that person to translate the web site for you. Almost all Japanese know
this saying and I think no one will imagine that my web site is something to do with "mmm", an American company.

I get up early because I believe it gives much more productivity. I spend the morning for programming software or
for learning programming and I use my website to show my work, that is, some software tools and programming tips.
That's why I named my web site "3mon.com". Anyone who is interested in my work can retrieve them in free.
Recently I created a sub page (http://3mon.com/cgi-bin/movingsale.cgi) for selling some of my household goods
because we will move back to Japan, but this is absolutely nothing to do with "mmm" product.

I didn't register this domain for the purpose of selling. I have never tried to sell the domain name to other party,
and I will not do in the future.

By the above explanation, I hope I could persuade you to stop asking me to terminate the use of "3mon.com".
But if you still insist that I should stop using "3mon.com", please let me know and clearly explain why I should do so. 

Sincerely yours,

Junya Ishihara(webmaster@3mon.com)



Scratchで楽しく学ぶ アート&サイエンスRaspberry Piではじめる どきどきプログラミングを書きました。

オンラインコンテンツ: 大人のためのScratch

Amazonから図書館検索 Libron、iPhoneアプリ ひらがなゲーム かなぶん を作っています。

Email: webmaster at champierre dot com

Twitter @jishiha

